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UPD! 11 мая в 16:00 (Мск) Вебинар FEMS Microbiology Ecology on Biogeochemical Cycling

состоится 11 мая 2023 г.  в 16:00 по Московскому времени.

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Date: Thursday 11th May 2023
Time: 9:00 AM EDT / 14:00 BST / 15:00 CET / 18:30 IST / 21:00 JST / 23:00 AEST

Join us for a webinar on Biogeochemical Cycling, featuring:

Chair: Max Häggblom, Editor-in-Chief of FEMS Microbiology Ecology

Speaker 1: Tillmann Lüders, Ecological Microbiology (EMIC), University of Bayreuth (Germany) — Cable bacteria long-distance electron transfer in freshwater sediments — author of: Corinna Sachs et al. (2022) Tracing long-distance electron transfer and cable bacteria in freshwater sediments by agar pillar gradient columns

Speaker 2: Martyna Glodowska, Department of Microbiology, Radboud University, (The Netherlands) — Nitrate leaching and its implication for Fe and As mobility – author of: Martyna Glodowska et al. (2023) Nitrate leaching and its implication for Fe and As mobility in a Southeast Asian aquifer

Speaker 3: Ameet Pinto, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, (USA) — The role of comammox bacteria within complex nitrifying communities – author of: Katherine J Vilardi et al. (2022) Comammox Nitrospira bacteria outnumber canonical nitrifiers irrespective of electron donor mode and availability in biofiltration systems